Very nice set and lighting.
Fun and funny.... if I could read the tiny writting used for the task descriptions.
By the time I have got out of my seat and gone to the screen to squint in the corner, then go and sit down again, the time is almost over.
Some labeling of the sliders in the options would be useful.I worked out the 2 volume sliders, but what does the other one do ?
The smooth and polished look, is only let down by minor fixable things (such as the oh so common indie game issue of no quit option).
I would give it a big thumbs-up but I seem to have a mug stuck on my hand.I look forward to update v1.1.
I also look forward to a version that does not keep crashing, and where the timers actually finish before you are fired.
Currently it seems that the time expires three quarters of the way through so the tasks are impossible.
I suggest when you fix that you also include a few difficulty modes with differing length of timers.
I keep seeing the crash tool collecting data, but where is the log being put ?