Great game! I liked it, and I disliked a few things.
What did I like?
- The score, and the high score.
- The mechanic of shooting.
- The shop store.
- Camera shake.
What I disliked?
- Splash screen looks so low resolution.
- The UI looks so bad.
- The main menu has too many colors.
- The main menu' font is not the same as the game scene' font. (It looks bad)
- The main menu looks messy.
- Hovering over the buttons and clicking on them, the colors of these two look so bad.
What I suggest to do?
- Change the splash screen with a better-looking one.
- Use the same font for the main menu and the game scene.
- Use fewer colors in the main menu. White color for the buttons, and the different color for the game title.
- Change the color of the hovering over and clicking on the buttons.
- Remove the reset and controls button.
- Move: Play, shop, credits, and quit button to the middle.
- Set the navigation of the buttons to none.
- Enable the dialog of the game for editing the settings of the game, (Fullscreen, quality...)
- Turn off resizable window.
- Make the canvas scale with screen size.
I hope you found this helpful! Keep going and never give up.