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Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

well i like to see things this way: parents are powerfull but they aren't destiny and even if it seems like they are over everything they have thought and feeling and what they want is to stop a universal-wide danger so even if i don't really like theese parents at the same time i can understand their reason so  i would go along with their plan

Let me start from saying - if you feel you need professional psychological help, you should get that and not wait for responses here. Take care of yourself.



With that out of the way














About the flatmates - Marco, his friends, and the random people he was supposed to live with are all foreign students. It isn't said, where they're from, but they are in Rome for only one exchange semester. Marco says that probably no one had the chance to move in after he disappeared, since the police would have closed the apartment for investigation. Plus, the semester is over, and the they had all left Italy already. 

About the Parents - they're not evil, at least not like the Other is. But they need the galactic integration to happen and they don't seem to have as much time as they did, when Meera and (to an extent) Drusus failed to help the Galaxias to ascend 10000 years ago. It's not weird for Amicus and Marco to believe that the Parents will let them have a happy future, if they follow the plan. Sure, they have doubts, but they are multiplied by the Other, because it wants them to fail, not because they are sure the Parents can’t be trusted.

Also, after the big fight halfway through, Amicus does everything he can to respect Marco's right to decide his fate for himself. The Parents left Amicus with basically no other choice than to submit, and he doesn't want that for Marco. But he thinks, despite what happened, that their best chance for a happy future is to follow the Parents’ directions. Especially since he knows that they are incredibly powerful and can protect them, so that they can unite the Galaxias.

So why would he ask you to stay. The Parents promised that they’ll have over 200 happy years together after they do what they’re told for a few years. You don’t have that promise, if Marco refuses.   

Of course, this is my take, and Khemia, the sequel, might change some things, but for now Amicus and Marco should be fine and have a happy future to look forward to. If you didn't get the vision of Marco's and Amicus' future near the end you should see it (you have to answer positively to all of the choices). It's way more hopeful than the other ending.

Deleted 2 years ago












Again, this changes a lot depending on what happens, when you meet the Monitor for the last time. Depending on your choices, Marco either talks with a new character and gets presented with more doubts (I suspect this is what you got?), or like Amicus, he gets to see their future. The Monitor specifically says that it "is guaranteed if you follow all of our instructions." He shows that Marco and Amicus will not be separated again after those 8 years and will live happily together for around 250 years.

Amicus almost loses Marco twice, after which he is told by the Parents that if they both follow their instructions, that will never happen again. Just like giving up his free will was worth it to save Marco, 8 years apart is worth a lifetime (and more) of happiness.

Something terrible could happen, if Marco decides to stay and not take on the mission. They know that, they've already seen it happen. So when creatures that Amicus was taught to revere, creatures that can see the future, bring back the dead, and change reality tell him that they guarantee they will keep them out of harm's way to allow them to unite the Galaxias (and then enjoy their earned rest), he has little reason not to follow them.

Those 8 years will be hard on both of them (Amicus doesn't really have friends apart from Marco, only political allies), but it's worth it for the life they will have together.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

--- Again, SPOILERS ---

You should really go back and do the other path. The Meera ending is seriously super bleak in comparison, and I was kinda upset by it too.

But the whole point of the Other is to make sapiens doubt themselves, and the Parents. When you go back you can guess, which characters are influenced by the Other. It even says that it's "always watching, willing you to die." It exposes some real flaws of the Parents, but in the end I wouldn't trust an entity that from the start tried to break Marco with doubt and terrifying visions.

Plus, Marco immediately forgets it, but we know how the amalgamation looks like and we know that "Meera" is lying about it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Whoa! Spoiler Alert!

Boy, they will have almost 300 years to live together after those 8 years. They were given a vision of their life after that time, and when you get to feel the worst is far gone, you realize it has been nothing compared to the endless happiness that lies ahead. That's what the parents made them feel before the trip back home. About Amicus, the wolves were indoctrinated to have blind faith in the parent's guidance, and they see them as powerful and wise (almost godly) beings, so it's not odd that Amicus thought he could trust them to keep the MC safe. They literally brought him back to life after all...

Although I Agree with you that the ending was a bit.. forced. I don't think any ending would of made us happy, the story is so good and gripping it's one of those things that you just dont want to end, so when it does it's fucked

Deleted 2 years ago