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I've decided to try using a standard format for all my feedback this time around. Please excuse me if I come across as overly curt or miss something important about your game. I'm writing these all quite hastily as there are a lot of games in the jam this year!

What I liked

It's just a straightforward platformer, albeit a janky one. It's actually pretty fun to play.

The trick in the first level was a neat way of changing things up, and I like how the blocks you can fall through are subtley but obviously different.

The character graphics are simple but have a lot of charm to them.

What I didn't like

I'm not sure if this is "I didn't like it" or more "it's a bit worrying" but the graphics are really similar to Super Mario to the point where I'd be worried about Nintendo's lawyers.

Did I think it was so bad it was good?

Not so much. It kind of walks the line between being so bad it's terrible and so okay it's average, without really getting into that elusive so bad it's good territory. It really is elusive territory, because I can definitely look at this game and say it has good element and bad elements yet as a whole doesn't have that goodbad feel to it.

My thoughts on the modifier implementation

I'm assuming it wasn't implemented as no note was made and there was nothing immediately obvious to me.

Other remarks

The first level music really reminds me of SimCity 4.


Good and bad, but not so bad it's good. Could definitely be improved a bit and made into a genuinely good game.

If you have any questions, comments, queries or concerns, please reply and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Wow, thank you for spending the time to write this. My first idea was to try to be like Super Mario. But I thought it wasn't original like half way through the game, so I tried to make as different as possible. Also, this is my first time using, and my first real published game.  I tried to promote this game in a game jam that was similar to the game concept. I understand all your issues and concerns on the game.  Thank you again!