Further to the other comments, I wonder if there's room to further explore the gold mechanic?
- Returning to the shop requires going back up through the dungeon, which is really time-consuming and not worth the effort. This makes collecting gold somewhat redundant.
- Going from the town to the dungeon rerolls it, which punishes the player for returning to the surface
- The shop prices seem very steep given the lack of gold in the dungeons (50 gold for a ring/amulet?)
Some food for thought:
Should gold persist after death?
If so, what could it be spent on that would create a new run-death-run progression loop?
If you can make returning to the town more worthwhile, it's maybe worth borrowing the elevator-to-surface every x floors mechanic other roguelikes have employed. Again, what should persist between runs?
Maybe have shopkeepers rescuable from the dungeon, so that your town is more stocked on your next run?