okay here's my review lol
over all its an okay concept there are few things needing smoothed out such as getting rid of the selected item in hand can be finicky often having to press and unpress a button option i dont actually need in order to deselect
doors should auto delete a wall as you place it. this is more of a creature comfort.
but my biggest issue is i dont feel like a lord but more of very busy mayor. a lord has people to do stuff such as build the homes and figure out who has what job or who owns what land there are times when a lord involves himself things do need his seal at times but a lords job really is more administrative. villagers build there own houses lol this is more of a colony building/ logistics game with a royal theme to it. also a lord would never know the name of some simple farmer thats just never happens. why i know the names and faces of my villagers is beyond me, in those times i might glance at you in passing but you would be damned lucky if i decided to do so.
anyways i dont know what your veiw for this game will be but ill check in again in the future see whats what. ill probs stilll continue to play its just not what i would call being a lord of the land would be