Hello again, Thanks for the help last time! I am working on a very complex project and we're getting a rough error. I know it's our fault, but trying to track it down. Do you have any idea what might be the most common cause of something like this? Maybe you've seen it before and know what type of common mistake might trigger this?
FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event1 for object obj_SharedTweener: undefined value at gml_Script_TGMS_ExecuteEvent (line 16) - repeat(_event[| 0] * (ds_list_size(_event)-1)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_TGMS_ExecuteEvent (line 16) called from - gml_Object_obj_SharedTweener_Step_1 (line 113) - TGMS_ExecuteEvent(_t[TWEEN.EVENTS], TWEEN_EV_FINISH); // Execute FINISH event
Also; does TweenGMS ever put arrays into any list that it uses? That might explain what's going on? Maybe something like an array like this? [-2,0,0,1] Do you recognize that structure or can tell me where something like that might come from?
This error seems to be related to the FINISH EVENT callback.
It appears to be reporting that "_event" is not defined, when it should be. This variable is a list with data about the FINISH callback. _event[| 0] holds a true/false value depending on if the event is enabled/disabled.
It is hard for me to know for sure why this is happening. Which version of TweenGMS are you using? (v1.0.6?)
Shoot me a private DM on Twitter @8BitWarrior (DMs are open) and I can give you my email address for responding with more details.