I've decided to try using a standard format for all my feedback this time around. Please excuse me if I come across as overly curt or miss something important about your game. I'm writing these all quite hastily as there are a lot of games in the jam this year!
What I liked
The awful graphics, especially in the menu.
The presentation including a seemingly useless menu bar and (at one point) and installer.
What I didn't like
Between the total lack of sound and the (near?) total lack of effects, shooting and being shot has no impact whatsoever.
I'm kind of on the fence about the tutorial. On one hand it's better to have it than not have it, but on the other hand, it explains UI elements that wouldn't need explanation if they were better designed. For SBIG, though, I guess that's fine.
Did I think it was so bad it was good?
Mostly just bad, sorry. The style and rage-inducing difficulty are definitely SBIG hallmarks but the game is just boring and feels pointless to play.
My thoughts on the modifier implementation
It's impossible to win. A straightforward implementation but I'm more into some of the more creative ones.
Other remarks
I used the "F25" version without the installer. Having an installer is a nice touch but is a barrier to entry that some potential players may not cross.
Didn't really do it for me, sorry.
If you have any questions, comments, queries or concerns, please reply and I'll do my best to get back to you.