wow shill how much do they pay you for this PR? let's not kid ourselves that a establishment with this high level of security is anywhere near the red. and how does c-world make so much money? wealthy patrons with lots of money to throw around (literally in this case). its not clear whether they simply do not have any signs up telling people not to throw things in the tank, or if they actively encourage guests to treat this enclosure like a wishing well but in either case its clear more budget is put into spotlights than safety precautions for the animals. while its possible this section of the screen is transfer area rather than a full habitat, it still does not address whether or not its safe for these species to be in the same enclosure. and also if its meant as a tunnel, it should be completely clear of obstructions so the fish do not get stuck and having anything in here is clear negligence. c-world does not care about conservation of these creatures like an aquarium or nature reserve, they are a for profit business and will not only cut corners to save costs but also ruthlessly hunt down any perceived threat to their assets.
why do you think they put in those spotlights? to prevent people from messing with the tank of course! franks buddies are throwing these things into the tank for him to steal, and you say that c-worlds active effort to prevent people from throwing off this tanks delicate ecosystem is not for the fishes well being? shame on you, c-world has delicately balanced these fish in an attempt to save endangered species. their budget was boosted because they're important for the fate of biodiversity! frank is "freeing" these fish into a world that is becoming less and less habitable by the second and c-world might be the only way for these fish to survive at all. maybe you should stop contributing to the negative bias that encourages people like frank to profit off of the active endangering of animals.