Just write your own get and drop handlers for the verbs.
As far as the system command disambiguation, then that's currently not able to be switched off, but I'll think about this some more.
start_at = my_location locations { my_location : location "You are in a room." ; } objects { red_armour : object "red armour" at = "my_location" ; green_armour : object "green armour" at = "my_location" ; } on_command { : match "get armour" { : if (is_beside "red_armour" && is_beside "green_armour") { : get "red_armour" ; // Red armour has 'get' priority } } : match "drop armour" { : if (is_carried "red_armour" && is_carried "green_armour") { : drop "red_armour" ; // Red armour has 'drop' priority } } }