In Adventuron - Cookbook: 1.24.3. Full source example (default jingles)
The sound is turned off by default, but Adventuron does not ask, at the beginning, if we want sound or not. So there is no sound until I type '>sound on'.
I always use Firefox in Private Browsing mode.
As in the documentation example, I don't have sound until I've typed 'sound on' at least once. It doesn't give me a sound menu choice at first.
start_at = my_location
start_theme = my_theme themes {
my_theme : theme {
theme_settings {
losegame_jingle = on
success_jingle = on
wingame_jingle = on
failure_jingle = on
} locations {
my_location : location "You are in a room with no exits.\n^n^Type WINGAME to play wingame jingle.\nType LOSEGAME to play losegame jingle.\nType FAILURE (or type bad direction) to play failure jingle.\nType SUCCESS to play success jingle.^m^" ;
} on_command {
: match "wingame _" {
: win_game ;
: match "losegame _" {
: lose_game;
: match "success _" {
: success ;
: match "failure _" {
: failure ;
Updated in 42c. Press F5 to update adventuron ( at ).
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