Oh, oof. Love this.
First of all, absolutely wild number of players in comparison to other RPGs (how many friends do you have??!!) but understandable considering the format of the game. Will probably benefit from me waiting until the pandemic is over to have an actual room in where to have this, because otherwise voice chat is going to be Crowded(tm)
Also my fucking favourite part of this is the casting choice, hello? You get a character depending on your answers to basic philosophical questions? Sign me up! It sells the atmosphere of the game perfectly right from the beginning. Personally I'm a Scorpio, I think. Relatedly, a question: four characters are "required" by the game, but what if they have to be removed due to triggering topics? I think I know my players' limits relatively well and can assign them accordingly, but it's still something to consider.
Also also, I really like all of the characters! Would have loved a bit more about them but I understand the need to leave it open for the benefit of the players. Libra and Taurus are absolutely genius. Virgo has to be my favourite (what in the hell is even going on with them), but I really like 2805 as well.
Anyway, thank you so much for the game! <3