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If the game isn't done that's fine and well but at least give those of us who paid for it some kind of update letting us know what's going on. This is the first otome game I've ever paid for so I was really looking forward to it but I'm starting to think this was a scam. I know you guys have a life to deal with but when it comes to business and people who have paid you, You should make time to let them know what's going on. :(


It's probably not a scam, since these people have worked on other visual novels that have been finished and also this game has a demo. But the lack of an update since like september 2016 really makes me think the game is cancelled. If that's the case, we need refunds.


Someone needs to try and get a refund. If they can't get through to the creators, then hopefully we can go to someone on


Hopefully... I know its only a few bucks but I paid and expected a game. If there's no game, we should get a refund.


Based on their history of the devs with their previous games. I can be confident to say it's not a scam. Although it seems they have put this game in the back burner for a long time due to real life stuff.

That being said. There has been no update whatsoever, for months, not even a post saying "I'm sorry, we are very much behind but are still working on it". Which itself really disappoints me, I understand that they cannot sacrifice their entire time for creating a game if they have other obligations but there is no reason not to at-least inform the people who have pre-ordered this game what the status is. Just anything to let us know what's going on. I don't think it's asking much....