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It was fun! The best part was the battle at the start, but my first playthrough there was only 1 enemy, and then no others spawned. I went around and visited planets for a bit but there seemed to be nothing there to really do. So I restarted for my second run, and quite a few more enemies + some new enemy types. The fight was pretty fun, and the music was great, but again, I'm not sure how to progress other than that. Why are you able to visit planets? It's cool, but what is it for?

Yeah enemy-spawning is happening randomly. I wanted the enemies to land on planets as well to make the hunt a bit more varied but now, its there for some exploration + to take a break :) I hope you had some fun 

There is a 25% change every 5 seconds that an enemy spawns in a range of 300x&y outside of the viewport