I'm not exactly a fan of this suggestion, as this still feels like a pretty hefty nerf to the Breeder play through. Seems kind of unfair that a specific PC play through would have to jump through so many hoops just to actually be, y'know, a Breeder. Some other way to spend mana might be nice, especially at endgame, but this suggestion isn't a proper solution. Right now, I've essentially quit playing the game until 0.9.6 releases, as the Breeder is the only play though I haven't done yet. I was waiting on Farms to be fully implemented before giving Breeder a go, and then I delayed even more when I heard that 0.9.5 would have a whole bunch of reworked impregnation/races/interactions and stuff. But then the new changes also inadvertently nerfed Breeder almost into the ground, so now I'm just chilling till 0.9.6.