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Zoe: i also want those two

Para: Zoe, you cant keep mortals liek pets, they die in like two weeks

Zoe: theyre MINE

Dante: *charming da ladies**but hes gay*

Zoe: *takes all of you*

Para: FINE, Zoe, you can keep them

Zoe: yay!!

me: >:T

Zoe: *happy happy happy*

Para: *fuck this shit im out*

me: *annoyed but idk why*

Zoe: *le takes yew hoem*

*there hoem is a underground Wal-mart turned into a strip club*

me: :0 *AWKWARDNESS ENGAGE* *what do i do what do i do*

Para: *head into le main office*

*git rdy this b long*

the first place you enter is a dark hallway, the floor is a very lush soft brown carpe, and the walls are also dark red-brown with papers and posters in random places, then you enter the kitchen-living room, same colors as the hallway, but the floor is wood, and the counters, couch and kitchen stuff are beige and tan*

me: ...

Zoe: alrightly! you can explore if you want, but ask my permission before going outside!

Para: *in her mind: ugh, stupid elf stinking up the place*

*oh btw to a Zalgiod each race has a different smell*

*elves smell like gross*

me: >:(