Hi, firstly thank you for the quick feedback. If you have some screenshots, the discussion will be easier and more concrete.
Those are advanced operations so make sure take it with care. And firstly we should understand the core concept of 3d presentation: "ShapePattern".
- Shape Pattern is an unique collection of nes tile which has its own 3D representation.
- Per frame 3DNes will analyses the frame buffer, segments it into instances of pattern (exited pattern or newly created one if needed) then instantiates all the instances/shapes.
- If if you create a new shape pattern manually, it's obviously will affect the whole game, not only at the location where it is created. All refereed patterns of tiles that create the new pattern will be delete and when you move to another scene, 3DNes will instantiate new pattern if it required to represent the new scene. That's probably the reason of your observation. So you it if it's the only solution to create the correct pattern.
- There is still an obvious limitation of the current mechanism. When the game has two obvious different shapes - from the human recognition point of view - that share the same set of tile then 3DNes is incapable of distinguish one from the other.
I hope you get some information from my bad English.