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Very abrupt but amusing little game. Nora/Teacher OTP =P I'm looking forward to the revised English translation.

The sprite viewer in the extras with the expression randomizer is really neat. Did you find that code framework somewhere or write it from scratch? And would you be able to share it?

I'm happy to hear so! :) Thank you!

Are you talking about the 7th image in the gallery (two girls and stars)?

i think they were asking about how you make the framework for changing expression in character's sub menu inside the extra ^^

Yes, exactly. The ? button here


Thank you, Teatime for Cabbages-san and Fumaira Mizumori-san! I got it. 

Roughly, I show four screens for body, eyes, mouth, and sweat/cheek. And each image is changed by the action of each button. I will show in detail on the blog in several days! 


Hello! I posted the article about your question. If this is not enough, please give me a comment. Thank you for asking!


That's really cool, thank you so much!