Hi there! I'm playing on Windows 10 for the first time and the game has been running for nearly two hours now - I haven't been typing at all to be honest (browsing games on itch.io) and when I opened the game to check my time I noticed that it awarded me some achievements that I haven't actually earned. They all appeared at the exact same time I earned the "one hour" achievement. You can see from my stats (only instance of this game I've ever played) that I haven't typed even one forbidden word, let alone fifty. Just thought you might want to know.
Turns out the issue is bigger than just some unearned achievements.
I was not awarded certain achievements, thought it was same achievement-related bug issue so I took a couple screen shots...
I quit the game and restarted, to see if that would make the achievements register.
All achievements and all points are gone, the color theme I was using is now locked again.
I just wanted you to know. Technically the game isn't unplayable (it still has the falling forbidden words, it still keeps track of how many times you've typed the words in a given instance of the game), I just wanted to point out some bugs in case you are inclined to fix them. Thanks for your time. :)