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I couldn't get the game to launch. I added "FullPackageFlag=1" to the ini file and got "Cannot open System2C file." Seems like the download is missing some sort of file when I try to launch it?

Hey TenshiHanka!

Have you installed the RPG Maker 2003 Run Time Package? RPG Maker 2003 need it's default template files in order to function. :(

Alternatively if this doesn't work, there's this project called EasyRPG which is meant to port RPG Maker 2003 games over to other platforms other than Windows PC. You can install a windows executable file from the link below and the move into the game file folder.

Next time I release another RPG Maker game I will make a version with the RTP included.

I apologize for this inconvenience but I am thankful you are willing to try out my game.


Ah, thanks for the reply. The first link was able to get it working. I think I saw it before but didn't download the 2003 from there.
I was able to play through the game just fine! I like how you can just say "no" to the congratulations screen lol.