This has great potential, finally, someone who will monetize the absence of diablo loot games with gamepad controls. I have to play it more in-depth but I can already say a few things
NOTE: I played from the keyboard
- Buff and Debuff from weapons should appear somewhere at form as an icon for fast readability.
- I think that destroyable objects has too much loot, I will consider to not have a loot at all and use it as "cover" from enemies.
- A passive that makes you dash trough the enemies could be an idea.
- The third attack of the sword is pretty useless, I got that it means to stop the player for spamming attacks but I would make you consider to give some utility, like push everything away, or delete it.
- There is a lot of "dirt" on the screen, non-grabbable items quite bother me, I would consider dropping HP and MP only need it.
- I don't think autoaim is a good feature for this game, you should have all the freedom of movement as the game is fastpaced and aiming a rock rather than an enemy is not ideal.