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This is a very impressive mystery adventure game given the scope of being composed in under a fortnight. The game features some great techniques for an adventure game including an overworld, lots of different forms of text to convey the narrative , and multiple locations that open up over time. The city of Osaka is lovingly interpreted in this game in an effective way - I particularly like the Red Quarter. Is this inspired by Osaka's red light district, another similar locality, or just a fiction? 

The narrative of The Suicide of Mr Tanaka integrates the jam theme well by placing a dark twist on the culture of overwork in Japan and the rigors of the corporate workplace. I liked how the mystery gradually unfolds through a series of clippings of text, and the encounter with the informant that creates a palpable sense of dread. I think this is a game with a lot of potential to extend its narrative into a fuller mystery with the unresolved questions and unusual horrors that lurk in the corporation.

As far as feedback, I think some introduction to frame the role of the player's character as a sort of detective could help illustrate their role in the story. The text font can also be a little difficult to read at times. But most of all I think the biggest thing is that this is a story that evinces a great amount of talent and I really hope you continue to explore games within this format in greater depth. 

Thanks for submitting The Suicide of Mr Tanaka to the SCREAM LITE jam! 


Thank you so much for your feedback, It means a lot to me, really!
I'm really glad you liked the game.