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I'm enjoying playing this. The strange emptiness of the setting (no other people, just a few curious animals watching your progress), combined with the excellent graphics  make it feel very tranquil and magical. I think I've progressed quite far, although I'm now stuck. I'll wait to see what others make of it before asking for a hint!

A couple of technical things that you could polish up:

- There is no take or drop message (I'm primed by other games to expect one)

- Trying to get something that is obviously there from the description and/or graphics (eg bowl, sarcophagus) produces 'you can't find it', which seems odd. You could replace it with 'that can't be taken' or something similar.

- There is a bug with the shells. If you find them and take them and then go back and do the thing again, they disappear from your inventory and reappear in the location! I think you need to add something like:

  : if (has_not_created "shells") {
      : create "shells" ;
   : else {
      : print "You find nothing." ;

to fix that.

Those are the only problems that I've spotted. Other than that: good work! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks, I will mark these for a future update (I'm not sure yet how to change the get message in Adventuron)

You can access the system messages and change them (it's in the manual) but the issue with get/drop (for me, it might not bother others) is that there is no message at all.


Hi Sunteam,

If you want to enable get/drop messages, please disable the "redescribe = auto_beta" at the top of your game. That will make your game show get and drop messages, but it won't auto redescribe the location as the state of the game changes.

The get and drop messages are deemed to be redundant is auto redescribe mode, and this is a design choice of the (beta) version of auto-redescribe. Disabling auto redescribe will make it behave more like a QUILL / PAW / DAAD style adventure game.
