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This game is a lot of fun and there is certainly more to it than meets the eye initially. It's bigger than expected at first glance,  and the puzzles are quite satisfying and do make sense more or less (although I'm not sure what was going on with those portraits; whatever it was,  it helped me to progress). Some bits made me laugh (what happens with the plant, for one) and the whole thing has a definite Lewis Carroll surreality to it (enhanced, perhaps, by the slight language barrier - but not much, the English is good overall).

There are some hidden exits around,  and objects seem to appear and disappear occasionally, which is a bit disconcerting until you get used to it, but that's not out of keeping with the whole off-kilter tone of the game. There are also a couple of inputs that are more than two words, which is at odds with what you're told for the rest of the game ('Don't use more than two words please').

Other small errors that I picked up, that could be easily corrected:

- someone is 'thristy' instead of 'thirsty' at one point.

- if you examine some things that are obviously there (eg examine tree when you are in the tree) then you're told '[object] is not here' (eg 'tree is not here') which doesn't make sense.

- the bit with the octopus repeats if you go to the same location. I think you need to set that up so it only happens once.

Other than those, everything seems to work as it should.

Finally - your graphics are great. Well done for producing something that works well at such low resolution.

(And, for the record: I've helped 6 out of 12 ghosts and am now more or less stuck. I am waiting for inspiration to strike.)

The game was coded quickly and badly, but I decided to offer it anyway (I thought I'd get yelled at for that, but you're kind.)

I think I'm allowed to correct the few errors you pointed out (there must be many more).
You can only interact with the items that follow "Interact with:" and those in your inventory; but I should have pointed it out.

Don't sell yourself short: it is genuinely a good game. I'm a pretty thorough play tester so I'd have picked up anything else that was massively wrong (I don't think there is anything, as far as I got).

I assume that minor corrections are fine. I hope so, as I've spotted lots of little typos here and there in my own game and have corrected them and uploaded a new version of few times. Substantive changes, though, should not be allowed.