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Very impressive for being made in less than 7 hours.

More specific feedback:

  • The particle effects look fantastic.
  • The music sounds great and fits very well with the game.
  • There seems to be an issue where if you escape out of the game the mouse won’t be captured again. Although, I got it to work eventually.
  • I don’t think the pause menu hotkey should be “Esc” as it’s the same key that is used to exit out of full screen.
  • I found it a little bit confusing. I wasn’t sure what was going on with all the ‘e’s in the top right corner at the beginning (I later realised it’s the number of enemies remaining). I also wasn’t sure what the circle surrounding the crosshair represented but I feel like that might be related to the number of enemies as well.
  • It felt like navigating through a maze at times. I’m not sure if this was intentional, but if not, a mini-map would be a nice implementation.

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it!

  • The particle effects are a pack I bought, I put that in the description of the jam - tried to be really upfront with it, maybe I needed to add big red text at the start of the game 😂
  • @verbante will be pleased to hear that the music is good 😁 they did a great job with it!
  • Yeah WebGL and mouse capture doesn't seem to work very well together 😭
  • And I definitely should've tested the pause menu in a build before submitting it! Worked in the editor so just assumed that esc would work just fine 😂 in hindsight I should've remapped it
  • The e's were confusing, yeah, but once you work out what they are it's quite useful to know roughly how many enemies are left (for some reason it's always one or two higher than the actual enemy count). 
  • The circle surrounding the crosshair was your health! The colours of the whole maze also change to reflect how much health you have left ☺️
  • A minimap would be super useful, yeah, unfortunately too difficult for such a short jam 🤔 will definitely add it in if I do a post jam version!

Thank you so much for the feedback, it's really useful!