Suggestion for enhanced Brothel and Bar interactions:
First of all, I love this game, but I've got a lot of feedback, so I'll get straight to the points.
Bar end-game is a cheapened experience by the giving away sex for free to everyone. When delivering drinks, Jenna gets more sex work done than when actually prostituting for Klaus.
To me this doesn't make any sense, and ultimately is LESS hot than in the previous evenings when they are molesting her.
Especially since the player loses control of what goes on when delivering drinks, Jenna becomes a C-dump with no other options for the nights to come.
My suggestion: When it comes to sex at the bar, have the option to remain loyal to Klaus. When Jenna first fellates at the bar, Klaus talks to her about it that night anyways. I think that the player should have at that point, the option to recognize Klaus as Jenna's pimp/owner. (Or rather, he DEMANDS it, and Jenna submits body and soul)(Or denies him [bleh, so lame]) (If Jenna submits, he should make her his bitch that whole night, not just a quick BJ)
When it comes to being slutty at the bar when delivering drinks, instead of being a mindless dump, Jenna could instead have super flirtatious options, becoming more of a stripper-waitress, than a free C-dump.
During these flirtatious interactions, she could be recruiting customers for Klaus. (in addition to earning big tips)
Sitting in laps when delivering drinks, giving motorboats, licking, kissing, lap dancing, d*ck-worship through pants, etc. But not sex. Merciless, brutal teasing, but for the purpose of getting tips and recruiting customers for Klaus.
For bar drinks there is already a lot of flirting going on.
"You forgot my cherry", "Can I have an extra cherry", "Come outside with me". Lots of fun stuff already going on with bartending, but I think it could be made better by adding dialogue options for Jenna to *lean in* to the flirtation.
Basically for every flirtatious trick of the customer, allow Jenna to see through it and give them more than what they were expecting.
For "You forgot my cherry" -> "Oh nooo, I'm sorry! *Pretend to look at drink and kiss him*" this taking his breath away since Jenna took the initiative, and possibly chaining into a longer, more passionate kiss, and ultimately to a recruitment for Klaus.
Similarly for "Can I have an extra cherry" => "*Put a cherry in your mouth* It'll cost you extra". Leading to a passionate kiss where Jenna and the customer play tongue wrestling with a cherry, and possibly a recruitment to Klaus' brothel.
I just think these would be far more satisfying interactions between bartending, waitressing, and prostitution. Instead of everybody treating Jenna like she is their property, the vast majority of customers would instead be flirtatious and full of desire, looking for the girlfriend experience, instead of calling Jenna a dump and treating her like they own her.
Most recruits from the bar should treat Jenna like water in a desert. She seduced them flirtatiously, they should be devouring her like a conquest, not treating her like property. That cheapens the relationship with Klaus and the Townhall Manager, when literally everybody treats her like she is their property.