I managed to get my pre-covid local group together and we're going to do a zoom game weekend after next. I'm still deciding which version of ItO / EB I want to run, or if I want to go for a hack right from the get-go. I love Super Blood Harvest as a read, but I generally prefer to make my own settings and I don't know how well SBH would work with a different setting (although I guess I could just hack the Dirk Rules). I'm tentatively thinking I want to play in my Maximum Recursion Depth setting, although I'm worried it's a little too personal for a group of IRL friends. It's sort of like The Matrix meets Persona 5 meets Bojack Horseman meets Chinese Mythology / Journey to the West.
If I do that, I'll probably make it a fairly tightly-constrained scenario, where the characters will be largely auto-generated or pre-made. Likely a key feature will be their Poltergeist form / Karmic Attachment. The scenario would involve them in one of the Numberless Courts of Hell for some reason, with some mission that they need to get done and then escape / reincarnate.
Another idea I'm having is an emphasis on non-combat combat. Basically splitting damage into STR DAMAGE, DEX DAMAGE, and CHA DAMAGE (or whatever I decide the three stats to be). All three affect HP the same way, but if HP is reduced to 0, they then affect their respective attribute.
Still very much in the brainstorming / spitballing phase, but any suggestions, advice, thoughts, etc. appreciated!