extra information: in the book of memory sada is said to have 11/12 scenes, but all 12 are unlocked.
the girl with the puprle hair from sada did nothing except being announced by that one scene where she asked for the way, never showed up and i never learned her name
a scene for airi is missing where she is topless and there is a woman with blue hair and red stuff in her hair. every other missing scene is "later" and not missing in the middle of other scenes i already had.
airi: 44/57 scenes
momoko: 29/33 scenes
red: 15/29 scenes
kimiko/kimika: 14/31 scenes
dark fairy: 4/14 scenes
flower fairy: 3/5 scenes
i suppose the next locked scene of airi is going to kick something off (she has red eyes), but i dont know how to reach it. i thought maybe another book, get stronger, absorb magic and then red can take control? but kimiko never showed up again and noone else seems to have another book, the magic notes are completely empty at this point