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So cool, love the lights, but i swear this has an ai train to run away from the goal :)


I feel the same. I suspect Unity's Random features have something against us :D


Before the 3 jump area, I was actually beating the entire game without doing anything XD I beat the first area in 2 tries, and the second area on the first try. Sadly the robot got stumped on the 3 jump area, and the areas after the button tutorial. - some screens of the cute robot beating levels all by itself :D You can tell by the full Control Energy bars ^-^

That being said.... I do understand the pain .-. One time on the last level i dragged the robot through the door, ran out of Control Energy, and then the robot went the exact opposite way and rolled around until it ran out of battery.


Thank you  a lot for spending the time not only to play the game but for taking the screenshots as well!