Devlog 1.0
There's so much that has been done already! Here's some new things since our last update around last year (on the old thread):
- We went through a few iterations of the art style for the game, but have finally settled on a style for the sprites.
- We've added a background artist to the team (very recently).
- We have concepts for the UI and title screen.
- Most of the game's road map is laid out.
- Some character scenes have already been added to the game.
- Player can pick their own name and pronouns (she/he/they).
In terms of characters, I'll probably be able to show them sometime soon! I'm responsible for the UI of the game, so I'd like to get some feedback. Here are some early concepts (which include early art of the character sprites):

Here is the actual version, currently in the game:
I've added a CTC cursor on the bottom right-hand corner. The quick links menu is also currently off to the side. I'm thinking of making the actual textbox expand to the edges of the screen instead. I like the idea of the quick links being icons, though I'd probably have to add hover text so that the player knows which icon means what.