There's a bit of a learning curve for the controls when on the kill pill, but the contrast in that is what puts it in line with the theme of the jam. The gap in intuitiveness between the 2 control schemes make for a good focal point in the game's mechanics.
If this concept is explored further and becomes more refined in either gameplay depth or synesthetic sense of feedback & controls, I think it could result in a sort of hi-fi arcade-y experience. Something reminiscent of Geometry Wars perhaps, which itself could probably be described as Asteroids evolved. The idea has potential and a good direction.
Unfortunately, I played it on a keyboard, which is not the preferred control medium for sure. It would do great with the combination of an analog stick and a pair of L-R shoulder/trigger buttons. With that, improved level design, and production polish, this will become a haptic treat. Kudos on finding a strong core concept & mechanic.
The art style and audio are both headed in a good direction. That said, the visual polish is still a bit short, if I'm being picky.
I hope you take it further. Nice work!