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Haven't really experience any real loss of control, but lighting effects were pretty neat.
Few bugs I've found:
1. It is possible to get out of bounds when having "wall jump" ability (level bound walls shouldn't be  tracked as jumpable walls)
2. Re-spawning when being out of bounds glitches you out inside the ground below spawndrop (when re-setting player's position and health, reset the velocity too);
3. When killing an enemy after being kicked you get stuck in the "knockback" phase until you get hit again (respawning doesn't fix it) - no idea how exactly you wrote the logic, but it should be tracked on player's script rather than enemy's, and have some back-up check.

Overall pretty fun game,  map layout works pretty well.


Thanks, that's actually really helpful!

Regarding the losing control - We do add some input delay, but maxed out at .3s (Mainly because after some playtesting, was the least "Frustrating" value we could find). Shame this number doesn't seem to be enough to make the player feel like they've lost control. We'll improve on this moving forward.

Again, thank you for the detailed answer! Means a lot.