Oh wow, cool system! I can understand the appeal of making a guide for transitioning from fantasy to sci-fi, but I think your work could stand quite well on its own.
The use of dice in map creation was a clever touch (as are their names), and I like the suggestions you give for "modernizing" fantasy races. I like the care you have put to introducing a transhumanist aspect on the guide, since I consider it an intrinsic part of the cyberpunk genre.
I think it would have been cool that you also added some suggestions for transforming common fantasy classes into sci-fi like the cleric/druid/warlock examples, simply because your thought process on that regard is super good -- you make them fit your setting so well!
Talking about the aesthetic, the example "quest" is also super interesting, and leaves a lot for the GMs to tweak as necessary whilst giving a lot of information to develop it. Fantastic work!
Thank you for sharing :)