I also had issues with the web version. None of those were present in the linux version though. :) Your game idea (though in a completely different genre) is similar to mine, i.e. controlling the level around the player instead of the player itself. I think I would prefer a keyboard-centric control scheme to stop the player and move objects around though: I found myself miss-clicking a lot as hitboxes seem to be quite large. Also later levels included a bit of trial-and-error to get the timing right - and in some cases I wasn't even aware what I did differently when it eventually worked out! Assigning a key (like 'R') to quickly restart the level and an option to skip the initial countdown would make those parts a lot more enjoyable. I liked the overall difficulty curve though! Also the minimal design works great!
Here's a short list of bugs I encountered:
- The countdown is shown behind world objects
- Survibunny is shown in front of the pause menu though
- Choosing 'Resume' closes the pause menu but the game will freeze
- Clicking 'Retry' seems to not consume the input event: if there is a clickable object below, it will start moving once the countdown has finished (that you've to wait till then makes it even more annoying!).
- Choosing 'Exit to Menu' switches to the main menu, but buttons won't work anymore
- Blood particles don't stop emitting on pressing 'Retry' after an enemy ran into Survibunny