Devlog Day 3 - Afternoon
This afternoon I wrote another 2 pages for the script... then it was kind of boring me (writing for too long drains my energy sooo quickly) so I went and did the parallax map for the upstairs of Red's house! I actually struggled pretty hard with this. I definitely need practice with interiors because I found making the forest maps so much easier. Hopefully now I have finished the upstairs making the downstairs will be easier.
But I still like how it turned out!
One thing I find funny is that because the sprite I'm using is smaller than the default sprites that come with RPG Maker, the toilet looks HUGE compared to Red. Hahaha, I'm leaving it as it is because it amuses me (and I'm a bit lazy now because I've been looking at it for hoouurrss, it took me so long to finish because I'm indecisive)

With the script, I have 10 pages written now. So I think I'm going to leave it until I need more. My plan for the next few days is to try and get all maps done, put into the game, and start adding little flavour text events to them so that the player can have a reason to explore.