Uhm, did you read the instructions written on the ground? You control only the switch of the weapons. By that I mean that you control the weapon that is used currently, and you need to choose based on the environment. The first level is a tutorial, by reading on the ground you should be able to understand what to do
Yes, I saw the instructions, but I still couldn't figure out what to do. I'm very new to gaming, so it's probably obvious to most people, but I couldn't figure out how to get past the beginning of the tutorial. I pressed W when it told me to, but I just ended up spinning in a circle for a long time. I tried using A and tried exploring around a bit but couldn't figure out where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do next. I just tried again now and was able to figure it out, and the game is really cool! I know this was a 48 hour project, but if you plan to expand it, I think it would help to have a hint message appear if the player is still in the entry area after like 2 minutes.