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Interface was clean and well suited to the game.   Enjoyed the little personalization touches.   Had a hard time telling if I was playing it right.   Also had one instance where the screen went to black before I could even click a button or read the first observation, not quite sure what triggered that.

Overall enjoyed but might need a little bit more of a feed back look and a tutorial before release outside of a jam.

Thank you for giving the game a shot, I appreciate it! The screen going to black on the first observation is both a glitch (game over sequence not working as intended) and a balance issue (values for ship parts and crew state can start too low) which is going to be rectified in the post-jam build, as well as adding better user feedback (among other changes)!


Ahhh makes sense, we definitely don't have a lot of time for play testing, so getting those extreme ranges to show up in a test can be a challenge :)   I can't wait to try the next version!