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I can agree with a previous comment that the game didn't really feel as "out of control," maybe because it was actually well polished and balanced XD
But I loved it so much. The transitions were so clean and quick, the visuals are so simple yet effective. I love the glow effect and the mix of the color (as well as intuitive blue vs red/pink decision, and sharp triangles as enemies). Also, is it a secret if I ask you how did you make the shooting sound? It's so satisfying to my ears, so well done (I really like proper sound designs in any game). By the way, those triangles are even sillier than the characters from my game, they are so funny! 
Do I need to add more comments? Naaaah (I loved the game)


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was my first game jam, so I'm happy with the result. It was also my first time really incorporating sounds and music into my games. I modified this sound in audacity. I appreciate your comments! Thank you for playing :)

What an excellent submission for the first jam! Good luck to you. And thanks for sharing how you did that, really cool


I'm very happy to help! Thank you for the support, hope to see more of your work in the future!