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Hey, I beat it! Interesting thing you're going for here - I think sometimes I completely lost the ability to move, even though I was still alive?

The input lag also felt like a bug. I definitely got the theme of "losing control," but it felt a bit contrived and poorly communicated. Part of this is for sure the lack of quality of presentation - it feels like an unfinished game (e.g. no animations), therefore it's much easier for me to parse the broken components as bugs rather than elements of your intentionally designed videogame world -- which is a feeling I would have loved, because you're trying out some very designer-risky, & interesting mechanics.

(I just read Osoka's comment. Somehow it never clicked with me that those dead blue guys were copies of me.)

Anyway, let me conclude by saying I also liked the iterative quality of the game. Playing through the same area over & over while it evolves is a great idea, and I think this part was executed pretty well.