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So definitely fits the theme, and it's a great execution on a simple concept, but it's not the most fun game, tbh. Perhaps that could change though with just some small adjustments to the mechanics; I'm no designer, so this is just the opinion of a player, but it may have been more fast-paced if it were a little easier to grab the squares? It felt as though I had to click in the exact center of the square to catch them, which isn't unfair, as it does increase the difficulty, but if it were easier to grab them, I would go faster and the game might become more manic. I understand there might be technical limitations to this, as there might be issues when two or more squares are within close proximity, so Idk if that's helpful really, but that was a thought I had.

As with many games in this Jam, I'm unsure as to how this game could scale with a public release (all I can think of is the implementation of a High Score board to compare with the rest of the world, but ultimately, how long would that hold interest?), but it's definitely a great submission to have come out of a 48-hour jam, so I'm excited to see your future in gaming. Keep up the great work!


Thx for your advise. I will mby make this to a mobile game, if that happends, I will fix it. THX!!!