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Yeah, so this is an example of a game that focused more on the theme than on being a game - though the opening text makes it clear that this is intended, and indeed, quite tongue-in-cheek. I'm not sure if I just missed something, but there appears to be no real objective. Perhaps if there were a goal, and a mini-map to help orient a little (though maybe there can be fog-of-war or something so as not to give the game away completely), this could have more mass-appeal, but as is, it's really just a GMTK Jam 2020 submission and not really a game.


its mostly just for youtube content

Ah, that makes sense. And it definitely was fun to shoot around the map, so I don't doubt it can drum up some attention. I'll check out some of your other games as well!


right now i am making a prototype for a weird 3d platformer called unarmed or something like that