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A pretty fun game, and I like the direction this one has taken for the interpretation of a theme. Fire spreading out of control, for one, your fire extinguisher being strong enough to propel you into the sky, for two, and a nuclear reactor.  Just... a nuclear reactor. You're never controlling one of those. I liked the graphics and just overall aesthetic for this game, and the music was a nice choice. Good work!


Thank you for your feedback, We really appreciate it! Is there any improvements you'd make on any parts?


No problem! And some further audio or visual indication of where a fire is starting could probably be useful - while the act of running back and forth between the different places definitely fits the vibe of the game, fire being silent (or quiet) pulls you out of the experience a little bit, and fires start so small that one can have started in the room you're in, but you don't see the initial particles before you left it. So audio for the fire, and maybe some kind of lighting effect happening in the area of fires (be it a red emergency light overhead or just more dramatic lighting blooming from the fire) would probably work nicely. Hope that's of some use to you!


Yeah definitely is useful, thank you! Fire indicators were definitely next on the agenda for features to add, I appreciate your feedback!