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I tried different input system during development, in the end, the "tank control" system was mainly needed to give the player the possibility to rotate in place. 

I'm definitely not satisfied with the controls, even though a spent a good part of my 48 hours working on them.

Probably the worst idea I had was to use the "forward" input as the "action" input: that is really confusing.

Thanks for in-depth feedback

Thanks for the reply! I totally get the limitations of a 48 hour jam (I didn't get nearly as much done as you did!). Sometimes you just have to roll with an idea and hope it turns out.  I'm hoping you keep working on it, because what you have is really cool and I look forward to playing some more.

Honestly, I don't know if I'll keep working on that, I don't have the time and puzzle games are not my favourites. We'll see that