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Nice game! I liked the tutorial, you could instantly jump into playing the game. There's nothing I hate more than having to read the instructions after you've started the game, and you handled this very well.

I like the music! It sounds very ocean-like. I also like the visual indicators of the strength of whirlpools!

My only thing is the whirlpools need a nerf-- once you've hit one it's game over completely. I think if they were slightly less powerful, they'd still be dangerous but it would just have to require fast reactions.

Good work! :)

The reason I made most of the whirlpools so powerful is because of the limited amount of dashes.  During my play testing I found that I would get so close to the end just to run out of dashes due to having to use a dash earlier to let's say, escape a whirlpool and it felt a little infuriating.  With hindsight being 20/20 I see other ways I could've dealt with this problem but in the moment I decided to make it so the whirlpools on the sides stop you completely.  Nonetheless, thanks for the feedback!  

Ah, makes sense. Always nice to hear the reasoning behind a game design choice! :)