very fun game, with a really great balance of challenging and easy to pick up. sometimes felt a little hard to control the player, but that's the point, and this follows the theme excellently. the gameplay was excellent, and it really felt like there was a good learning curve as to the strategy of when to aim for bombs, and when to focus on staying on and using your momentum properly.
only a few notes i would add: the music resets every time the player dies. this causes the user to listen to the same few seconds of the song over and over again, which not only can get boring but also makes it so the entire song is never really heard (or rarely heard, at least). one way to change this is to have whatever your audio manager script is set to not destroy on loading of the scene and use the singleton pattern to ensure there is only one audio manager instance in any scene.
other than that, was a super great game. i also really liked that you included instructions at the main menu. and the visuals were fantastic. great job!