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Day 5!

Did a few things today. One thing I forgot to show yesterday was the corn plant I designed. Today I used Godot's MultiMeshInstance to place thousands of corn plants all over the farmlands, but it causes a massive dip in framerate (going from 200+ to about 20)! I guess that's just way too many meshes. I guess I need to figure out a way to simplify the plants somehow. Perhaps I could render them into flat textures, then add them as 2D sprites.

Another thing I did was to place buildings around the land. I played around with light and shadows to get something pretty cool.

I also implemented some code for playing cards, and their effects. The code is quite messy right now, I need to work on simplifying and fixing up things 

I implemented the Farmlands and Rainy Season. Also added Drought, but it's buggy right now. I added a font from Kenney's assets too. Here's how the whole thing looks now: