Very interesting idea! As others have noted, an explanation of the different discs would've been helpful, and failing that a good idea for the scope of the jam would've been to make them more generic and intuitive to understand. ("Attack", "Defend", "Heal" ect.)
I also would've preferred if the pachinko balls fired off automatically, even if just as an optional toggle. As it is, the firing mechanism didn't feel very satisfying when shooting multiple balls in a row and even if it did, I feel like it kills the momentum of the game. Perhaps breaking the game into distinct rounds wherein at the start of each round each player is dealt a hand of disks and once all disks are placed or when the timer runs out, a bunch of balls are released?
Either way, I'd be very interested to see where y'all go with this unique idea in the future, so please continue to work on it after the jam is done! And congratulations on getting it done in time.