Ooh, thanks for the feedback! Let me see
- That was a planned feature at the start, but we ended up not having enough time to implement it. I kinda like how, if you understand the way the aliens move, you can kinda guide them using doors and baits, I fear adding that feature might lose that kinda rewarding feeling you get from understanding how these systems work. Still, it's definitely something worth experimenting with
- The idea behind only being able to use one system at a time was that you couldn't create a complete sense of safety, since you had to switch between systems that would protect you directly (the baits) and ones that would fix important parts of your station (the repair systems). In theory that would create a gameplay loop that consisted of using everything you had to try and get yourself in a safe position, losing baits and breaking both doors and cameras in the proccess, and then having to switch to fixing everything you broke and hoping that what you did before was enough to keep you safe while you were doing this. I think it kinda works the way the game is right now, but sometimes the rng of the aliens just moves them in a stupid way that just makes it so that you're waiting while the enemies wander off into the distance intead of feeling constantly threatened. Some rebalancing of the alien's movement or of the systems could be interesting. An action system is definitely an idea I'm gonna keep in mind
- We were kinda inspired by Duskers to try to create the feeling of typing in a command prompt. But I don't think the player ever really gets confident enough in the controls for that feeling to settle in. Mouse support might be cool. Either that or working on making the controls more intuitive
Sorry for the wall of text! I'm definitely gonna consider all these ideas a little more carefully if I ever return to this game. Thanks for playing!