I'm glad that you found value in my game! This game is entirely coded in really, really basic C++, using Microsoft Visual Studio. I used incredibly simple things (console output, if statements, and waiting which I found by looking up). https://www.cplusplus.com/ and https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/ are both amazing resources if you want to look into it. Probably 90% of my time in this jam was spent on pure writing, which I just developed through practice and reading other things! To be honest, if you want to aspire to make something, I'm sure with some work you could put together something far better than what I made!
It just put me in mind of the very first "game design" tutorial I ever did. It was a C# focused one, and it was all about making a very basic RPG combat mechanic, but that's really what cracked me open to digital game design. I've only ever used C# -- and really only in a Unity context -- but I would love to learn to do more with it. Thank you for making such a cool and inspirational game!