Nice work! I enjoyed this. Kudos on completing a project within the jam!
I see from the other comments that this was your first time making art for a game—you should be proud, because it turned out really well! The presentation really makes this. I love the star field and how hectic it gets, literally spiraling out of control. The bouncing enemies and their happy expressions are so cute that I felt bad about squashing them. Not so "peaceful," space-person!
As another person pointed out, you did a good job at pacing the gradual increase in enemies. It builds nicely. I wished for more feedback about how I was doing, though. Perhaps a count onscreen of how many terminals are out, e.g. 3/10 => 4/10 => 5/10 etc. Without something like that constantly going up, I didn't get a strong sense of increasing danger, even with the additional enemies, fires, and spiraling stars. Eventually I just left the game alone for a while to see if there was actually a fail state (which there is, and it's very cinematic—nice). So I don't think the feeling of being overrun is quite there.
Sound would really help create that tension as well. In fact, your game's description is a bit of a tease because it says "when suddenly you hear a noise" but then you start the game sound, haha. Another thing that would help is to add a little mechanical complexity to reactivating the terminals. But all in all you did a great job at realizing the concept in the time allowed.
Loved the coffee machine. Just let me press a button in front of it to play a coffee-brewing or -pouring sound—that's instant gold.